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Past, present, and future exhibitions at Manta Contemporary.

Current Exhibit
Transmission by Stephen Seguin
Transmission by Stephen Seguin
  Re-Visions by David Irvine & Keith Busher The Decemberists  
Graff Wars
Tree Wolf and Other Stories  
  The Poetics of Inertia   Cubic Technology Raise The Dead  
  Gros Désir by Samuel Choisy   Love Lust From Cardboard  
        MEGACOSM by Stephen Seguin  

MANTA Contemporary

22 Barton Street East
Hamilton, ON L8L 2V5

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September 13: 5-11pm
September 14: 10-2am
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©2013 Manta Contemporary Inc. All rights reserved.
Eugene Paunil Family Contact Taras Ostapchuk Eric Euler Laird Henderson